A busy week that was...

Friday, March 15, 2013

We had a very busy week. Apart from individual jobs, Daddy Allan and I are working overtime doing MTOs.

I am just proud to share that apart from the two sets of crochet diaper covers and headbands, we also finished this batch of crochet booties and a hat
Crochet Booties and a hat
There's still one doll booties not included here and I must finish it tonight since I have to ship them tomorrow. Next week will be another busy week for us because there are 5 more batches of MTOs to finish before the Holy week.

So that's all for now. You can find more designs at Momaye's Shoppe. If you have any queries just leave me a personal message or comment.

Enjoy the rest of the day!


  1. Wow! Business must be booming, mommy! Good for you guys!

  2. Wow, ang galing! super like the booties! goodluck on your business mommy maye! :-)

  3. i also like the booties, super cute...
    goodluck to your business

  4. Good for you, Maye and Allan! Busyness in the business always means a good thing. Congrats, guys! :-)

  5. Good job on this Mommy Maye! The designs are so cute! And love the colors too. Keep it up :)

  6. This designs are wonderful! How long does it take to make one design?

  7. You sure had a busy week Maye. Ang galing! those are really cute.
